The BIICL Guidelines
BIICL guidelines for Resolution of Disputes include to carry out an objective assessment of the dispute, narrow the issues and to engage in ADR wherever possible. These recommendations are well served by the use of SettleIndex.
Improve outcomes and reduce risk through financial modelling, risk analysis and litigation data
Provide your team with the most comprehensive cloud solution for financial modelling and risk analysis in litigation.
Get immediate support on complex disputes from our litigation risk experts, utilised by some of the world’s leading law firms.
BIICL guidelines for Resolution of Disputes include to carry out an objective assessment of the dispute, narrow the issues and to engage in ADR wherever possible. These recommendations are well served by the use of SettleIndex.
Chris Whitehouse at RPC is one of the most knowledgeable people about litigation risk. In this very interesting series of 4 articles he sets out the fundamentals of calculating litigation risk. In the second article he explains the theory behind our Settle Chart.
This is an excellent paper (73 pages) by Heather Heavin and Michaela Keet, Professors at the College of Law, University of Saskatchewan. They are leaders in the academic study of litigation risk assessment.
Use Shake and SettleIndex together to find the optimum settlement quickly
Come and meet us there. Take our challenge at the SettleIndex stand and win prizes! LegalTechTalk 13-24 June 2024 at Intercontinental O2
Does this FBI advice never to split the difference work for civil disputes?
It is a cliche of decision tree analysis (and a true one) that what you have already spent in pursuing or defending a claim is not relevant to evaluating its settlement value. If you must sink costs, be seen to sink them wisely!
How Settleindex could have saved $300,000 and 8 months!
This case study shows how SettleIndex can reduce the cost of resolving disputes.
Knowing your own position is not enough. In this short article we explain how the Settle Chart works and how you can use Opponent Values to identify the shared Settlement Position.
Book a short demo with our team to find out more about SettleIndex and what it can do for your organisation.
Get in touch with us today if you want to learn more about SettleIndex or arrange a meeting.
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